Blog | Children
Mother’s Sexual Abuse Accusation Results in No Time Order
Parenting Trial – Children aged 7 (Y) and 10 (X) – currently living with Father – 2nd round of proceedings – where Mother has fixed belief that the father poses a risk of sexual harm to child X and that both children fear the Father – no other person who has contact with the children share those beliefs
International Travel with Children After Separation
Travelling overseas with your children after a separation may raise several concerns. Dealing with them early can save you both time and money. Taking a child on international travel without the permission of the other parent is called parental child abduction. Find...
Relocation – Full Court confirms decision allowing ADF Mother a ‘blank cheque’ relocation to wherever posted in her employment
In our previous two blogs, we delved into the ins and outs of relocation applications, the criteria considered by the court and some of the difficulties a court faces in dealing with these types of applications. You can access our previous blogs on relocation here:...
Parental Alienation in Family Court Disputes: Part 2
In our last blog we looked at parental alienation, the significant impacts of it on parents and children and some remedies being implemented by the courts in order to protect the child from this disease which is prevalent, in differing degrees, in family court...
Parental Alienation in Family Court Disputes – Part 1
Over the past ten or so years there has been a significant increase in the number of parenting disputes before the family law courts involving some form of parental alienation. What is Parental Alienation? Parental alienation refers to a course of conduct where one...