Blog | Children
What age can a child decide where they live?
A question we are commonly asked is at what age can a child decide where they live. There is no right answer to this question. When there is a family law dispute about a child’s living arrangements, the child’s wishes are just one of 16 factors a court must consider...
Im not a parent. Can I apply for a parenting order? Non-Parent Parenting orders explained.
It is becoming increasingly common for grandparents and significant others, responsible for the care, welfare and development of the child, to apply to the family courts for non-parent parenting orders. The circumstances which instigate applications for non-parent...
Can Parenting Orders be changed?
Do you want to change a parenting order? Once parenting orders are made by the court, they cannot be changed except by consent of the parties or if the court determines that it is appropriate to change the order. For the courts to change a parenting order, without...
Prevention is better than Cure – Interim Relocation of Children Cases
One of the most difficult interim applications the family courts are required to deal with are interim relocation of children cases, usually where one parent has unilaterally relocated the children without consent of the other parent and seeks forgiveness for the...