Blog | Children
How does a DVO affect parenting orders?
The nature of family law means that often parenting matters and domestic violence matters become intertwined. Being involved in multiple proceedings involving domestic violence and child custody can be confusing and stressful. The number one concern from clients that...
Honesty is the best policy – Why tell your divorce lawyer everything
Whether you are seeking advice in relation to custody, divorce, financial matters or a DVO – separation with a partner/spouse is often the first time you will consult with a lawyer. Separation is a time that can be marked with confusion, uncertainty, anger, fear...
Do you want sole Custody? Here’s what NOT to do.
What is “sole custody”? We hear the phrase “sole custody” often when it comes to working out arrangements for a child or children following their parents’ separation. The term “sole custody” refers to a situation where one parent has care/custody of their...
Drug use in family law explained
In 2020, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported the following statistics in relation to drug use in Australia: 43% (9 million) of Australians aged 14 and over had illicitly used a drug in their life and 16% (3.4 million) had used one in the last 12...
Step-parent awarded interim custody over biological parent on appeal
Step-Parent Parenting Orders When a court is determining the best interests of a child, the two primary considerations a Court considers are the child’s right to have a meaningful relationship with both parents, balanced against the child’s right to be...