Blog | Contravention of parenting orders
How does a DVO affect parenting orders?
The nature of family law means that often parenting matters and domestic violence matters become intertwined. Being involved in multiple proceedings involving domestic violence and child custody can be confusing and stressful. The number one concern from clients that...
Application to change parenting orders because of children’s changed views dismissed
An Application to change a parenting order is an uphill battle, which will not lightly be entertained by a Court as to do so would invite endless litigation. When will a court change a parenting order? For a court to reverse an earlier parenting order, it must be...
My ex is in contravention of a Parenting Order. What can I do?
Contravention of a Parenting Order is a serious matter. However, the reality is, parents contravene parenting orders regularly and get away with it. So why are they not punished? Why do they get away with it? The simple answer is this. Because the contravening party...
Im not a parent. Can I apply for a parenting order? Non-Parent Parenting orders explained.
It is becoming increasingly common for grandparents and significant others, responsible for the care, welfare and development of the child, to apply to the family courts for non-parent parenting orders. The circumstances which instigate applications for non-parent...