Watch our Free Family Law Information Videos for helpful Tips, Advice & Information following your separation.
We understand that choosing the right lawyer to meet your individual needs is a big decision. You are placing your future and the happiness of you and your family in your lawyer’s hands.
As part of our unique approach to servicing our clients, Barton Family Lawyers wants to make your decision easier by giving you access to a wealth of invaluable resources, information, advice and tips, before you walk through our door, directly from our Principal and experienced Family Lawyer, Courtney Barton.
Welcome to our Family Law Information Videos page.
The content in these family law information videos should not be regarded as legal advice but general information only. We recommend that you contact us to book an obligation free, reduced rate consultation for advice and information in relation to your individual circumstances.
We hope that this content helps to provide you with the beginnings of legal empowerment by equipping you with the knowledge, confidence and skills to realise and to access your rights.
In the words of Courtney Barton, Principal Lawyer:f
“Rights mean little if those entitled to them are not aware they exist.”
Introducing Courtney Barton
What is narcissistic abuse? 
Secret Strategies for communicating with a narcissist 
Why can’t the judge just make the parenting orders I want now? Why do we need a Trial?
6 things you must know before hiring a family lawyer
What is the purpose of a Family Report?
Top 10 Myths in Family Law Exposed 
Why you need to be honest with your lawyer
How to formalise a property settlement
What to do and what not to do when you separate
Time Limits on Property Settlements 
When can a parenting order be changed? 
Leaving a relationship with no money. What are your options? 
How a Court determines your property settlement entitlements? 
What is my separation date?
Facebook & Family Court Orders 
Our Fixed Fee Policy
Separation, Family & Children
Frequently asked Questions
Client stories with Courtney
Welcome to Barton Family Lawyers
Are the Courts biased towards women?
Tax & Revenue Consequences in Family Law
What you need to know about domestic violence orders
We hope you liked our free family law information videos.
For more information and advice, please contact us to book an obligation free reduced rate consultation with our experienced Principal Courtney Barton to discuss your individual circumstances.
We recommend you also check out our Blog which is updated each week with detailed information about specific areas of family law relevant to you.