Blog | Children
Predicting the future best interests of young children
When a child is an infant, or even 1, 2 or 3 at the time of proceedings, predicting the future best interests of that child is hard, particularly if the court is asked to make orders spanning until a child is 18. What if, due to the child’s young age, the court...
Understanding the long-term impacts of narcissistic abuse
The long-term impacts of narcissistic abuse on your mental and physical health can be wide ranging. Learn about what those impacts are as well as the strategies we recommend so you can heal from narcissistic abuse and take your power back. What is Narcissistic abuse?...
How to fight for custody with a Narcissist
If you are divorcing a narcissist, it will be the most difficult battle of your life, particularly if you have children. A narcissist is focused on winning at all costs as this is what fuels their ego. Often their priority in gaining child custody is not the welfare...
What is an Undefended Hearing?
An undefended Hearing is a hearing that proceeds as if it were undefended by the Respondent, for example, if a Respondent has failed to attend court, failed to file response documents or otherwise failed to comply with a rule or an order of the Court. At an Undefended...
Coercive Relocation Orders
In relocation cases, like all other cases, the paramount consideration when the Court is considering what parenting orders to make is what orders are in the child’s best interests. As part and parcel with a relocation case, the court has the power to make...