Blog | Children
Am I a parent?
The definition of what constitutes a ‘parent’ in Australia has undergone significant change in the last few decades. A child’s parentage often does not fit the nuclear model (mother and father to their biological child) and so the provisions of the...
My ex is in contravention of a Parenting Order. What can I do?
Contravention of a Parenting Order is a serious matter. However, the reality is, parents contravene parenting orders regularly and get away with it. So why are they not punished? Why do they get away with it? The simple answer is this. Because the contravening party...
Gay Couple Win Appeal on sperm donor ‘parent’
Birth Mother and partner wins appeal against declaration that the sperm donor was a parent of their eldest child. In the landmark case Parsons and Anor & Masson [2018] FamCAFC 115, the Australian Family Court addressed a complex issue involving parental rights and...
Can I make the other party pay my legal costs? We are very often asked by our clients about Costs Orders and whether they can make the other party pay the legal costs they have incurred with respect to their application to the family law courts for property and/or...
I want sole custody of my child
When a client comes to see us, we are sometimes told “I want sole child custody.” The reasons expressed for this wish are usually concerns expressed by the client that their child is exposed to a risk of physical or psychological harm in the care of the...