Blog | Children
I want to apply to the Family Court for inclusion in the Covid-19 List
Has time with your children been impacted by Covid-19? The Covid-19 List is was developed in 2020 as a mechanism for dealing with issues that have cropped up as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, where the issues have affected compliance with parenting...
How to deal with false allegations in family law
It is very upsetting when someone makes false allegations against you or your client, but what is more upsetting is when it seems like the Court believes them and there is nothing you can do about it. This article highlights some useful tips for dealing with false...
Beware the criminal consequences of false allegations of sexual abuse
The worst cases in family law and the hardest for us family lawyers to handle are those cases involving sexual abuse of a child by a parent. It is the most difficult form of case, in particular, where a parent claims that they are innocent and that the allegations are...
Court Ordered Paternity Test – What, Why and How
Sometimes there is uncertainty about who is a child’s father. A DNA test is the most accurate way of ascertaining paternity, where there is doubt/uncertainty as to who the biological father of a child is. Why obtain a DNA Test? A person may wish to obtain a...
Validity of Overseas Orders – Parenting, Marriage and Divorce Orders
When a couple gets married overseas and subsequently separates, it is not uncommon where the parties have lived in multiple countries, for one of the parties to return to Australia after divorce and family law proceedings have been finalised and overseas orders have...